"Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love."
― Rumi
The desire to grow and improve is imprinted deeply in our DNA. This universal principle of life allows the emergence of a plant from a seed, a butterfly from a larva... it also directs man to the fulfillment of his full potential.
The need for transcendence, as Abraham Maslow himself called it, means that we are inwardly guided and destined to transcend our limits and limiting beliefs. Beyond that, we discover the transcendent space of our unlimited possibilities, connect with something bigger than us, and recognize who we really are. Maslow refers to these as peak experiences , adding that they are a determining factor of happiness and meaningfulness in life.
This inner desire for greater wholeness ignited in me many years ago... and has not been extinguished since. It inspired me to study a variety of teachings, both theoretical and practical, whose central theme is personal transformation. And that is why I am here now, ready to embark on a common journey with everyone who wishes to take full responsibility for their lives and embark on a journey to fulfill their potential.
Maybe you're the one feeling the call... Today's times clearly show us that there is nothing more important than each individual taking responsibility for cultivating and developing their own consciousness. This will allow a greater experience of happiness, health, abundance and fulfillment not only for ourselves, but also for our community and humanity as a whole.
"Individual self-transcendence collectively inspires humanity at large."
- Sri Chinmoy