Peganum harmala 01/08/2019

Syrian Rue, in Latin Peganum Harmala, is a traditional sacred plant in the Middle East, where it was an essential part of its spiritual rituals.


Historians speculate that this plant may have been part of the original hallucinogenic drink Soma that was used in areas of today's India. According to available historical sources, the drink was a source of inspiration for many important poets and philosophers. The plant is thus glorified in the original Vedic texts more than a thousand years old.


The plant contains the same range of alkaloids as the plants of the genus Banisteriopsis. Specifically harmine, harmaline, and tetrahydroharmine. Thus, they serve as a rich source of MAO inhibitors.


The plant was used as a remedy for nervousness, anxiety, and depression. It also helped to relax the airways and alleviate menstrual pain. Because of its hypnotic effects, it has been part of many sacred rituals as a narcotic. It also served as an effective aphrodisiac.



The seeds are ground or crushed (this step is not necessary) and boiled in boiling water for 20 minutes. Vinegar or lemon can be added to release the active alkaloids more efficiently. The resulting beverage is drained and the seeds are boiled again in the same manner. The two liquids are then sieved together and the resulting beverage is ready for consumption. The recommended dose is 2-3 grams of seeds.


The Syrian Rue is MAOI. To avoid overvoltage of serotonin receptors, it must not be combined with SSRI-based substances – eg Kanna and almost all of today’s pharmaceutical antidepressants! We also recommend restricting the supply of heavy and fried foods, meat and dairy products on the day of use.