Intelligence of the Heart
Human heart – a life-giving organ with an irreplaceable function, distributing oxygen and other nutrients throughout our body. Although its biological functions have been known to us for hundreds of years, it is only in recent years that science has begun to understand the other levels at which this organ works, and it turns out what intelligence it actually possesses...
Current research on the heart and its influence on consciousness is done by the HeartMath Institute, which brings groundbreaking findings. It states that the heart produces an electromagnetic field that is up to 5,000 times stronger than that produced by the brain. Thus, the heart is the largest energy factory in the human body. The properties of this field are influenced by our emotional state, which further affects our organism and bodily functions.
A state has been described where the heart beats at a regular calm frequency, with accompanying feelings of gratitude, love, understanding and kindness – a state of heart coherence. We get into this state naturally during the day, for example, during a walk in nature, during a fulfilling social interaction, etc. In this state of mind, our organism returns to a balanced state, which has a positive effect on many bodily functions – support of immunity and vitality, reduction of stress hormones, reduction of blood pressure and overall better gene expression. When the heart beats in a state of coherence, the brain responds in a similar tuning – there is an increase in energy, brain cells communicate better with each other, states of creativity, intuition and empathy deepen.
This coherent state of the heart and brain corresponds to a frequency of 0.1 hz, which is also the frequency of the oscillation of the Earth's electromagnetic field (Schumann resonance), in other words, the pulse of the Earth - it is no coincidence that individuals in a state of coherence describe experiences of connection with nature or the universe.
We can induce this state ourselves by practicing the right meditative state, in which we can experience all the benefits of heart coherence and the brain at almost any time.